Well, maybe not tinsel…I’m too boring for that much fun. But I did have a blast decorating our “new” abode for our first Christmas in this home! As I unwrapped ornaments nestled in tissue paper and detangled strands of garland, nostalgic memories of the sweet people represented by each piece flooded my heart – presents from 8th grade students, a nativity scene gifted slowly over the years by my parents, treasures unearthed over a weekend in Shipshewana, an after-the-holidays sale extravaganza with my mom & sisters, a handmade sign from a friend, the German nativity from the family I nannied in college - mixed in with a smattering of other items from around our house.
In the past, I’ve wondered if decorating was a waste of time, since we spend several weeks (can’t wait!!) back in Indiana. But having an inquisitive and eager 2 year old makes me all the more excited to deck the halls these days. He’s been pretty helpful in the baking department too – although if he asks me for one more cookie, I might lose my mind… : )
As we celebrate Advent – the coming of Immanuel – with nightly Scripture readings, a lighting of candles, occasionally a song, and the completely unspiritual Playmobile Advent calendar, we rejoice in the opportunity to teach Liam about the true meaning of Christmas. How special it is to see him catching the Spirit of the season as his understanding grows!