Our house has been looking a little lot like this lately…
and this…
and this…
Let me just say that pregnancy has been…harder than I expected. While I haven’t been super sick, I definitely have not felt like myself. As in, my body feels “off” and my energy is far lower than before. Funny how I thought I would beat all those symptoms before getting pregnant… In some ways, it’s been a healthy wake-up call to realizing that I’m not super woman, nor do I have to be. Since this might be the last time I can really rest when the mood strikes me, I’ve been taking full advantage of it. As my good friend keeps telling me, take advantage of it while you can! For those of you who’ve been pregnant before, you know that almost every symptom can be blamed on pregnancy—and there’s documentation somewhere to back it up! Needless to say, blogging—and most extra activities in general—have been
Oh, who am I kidding? What list?! I haven’t made a list in two months. If you think I’m kidding, just ask my husband! It’s true. While it’s been freeing in some ways, I’ve also started feeling slightly better this week, which has me chomping at the bit to do something a little extra. Hence, this wee little post.
If I sound like I’m complaining about pregnancy, I’m not. I’m just facing the reality of what my body is going through—and because I’ve been busy creating another human being—that’s right—I haven’t been creating much else. But I do have a few things up my sleeve which I hope to share over the next few days, so I plan to be back before too long. Did I just make a list? Hmmm…kinda. If anything, I think I just planned ahead! Feels good.
Ha! Keep busy making that baby, Jess, and I'm so proud of you for not making a list in 2 months! Unbelievable!!