Sunday, February 26, 2012

Elementary Artwork

Walking through the elementary hallway of my school several weeks ago, I spotted sea turtles gracing the walls with their bright, cheery colors.  I continued to walk past the turtles several times a week, until I realized that I really really wanted one for a piece of art in our ever-evolving nursery.  It didn’t take long to track down the elementary art teacher, who handed me a leftover turtle from the previous year, saying she was glad I could use it.  Free art! 


At home I popped my neon green turtle into an 8x8 Ribba IKEA frame where it fit perfectly.  I love the blend of chalky colors, the embossed outline of the shell, and the playful nature of the piece.  It was probably the easiest art I’ve ever come by—all gained by making a simple request. 



I’ve been browsing for more art ideas on Etsy, and it turns out I’m drawn to simple, funky animals, especially owls, elephants, giraffes, crocodiles, turtles, and the occasional friendly peacock.  Below are a few of my favorites—many that could easily become DIY projects.

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Children Inspire Design

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Children Inspire Design

Cottage Industrialist

I’d like the art in our nursery to be an eclectic mix.  I don’t want it to be too matchy-matchy, and I don’t want it to feel as if I went to Babies R Us and bought everything in a set.  I prefer to collect and make art over time.  How I wish I knew how to use Photoshop!  It might help to own it first…

Have you made or purchased any art lately?  Feel free to share!


  1. Great idea Jess, it's beautiful! I am sure some kid would be so flattered to know their artwork was forever framed. :)

  2. oh i love this! that turtle looks great

    and those ideas are so fun--especially the peacock one!
