Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How Time Flies

If you don’t believe that time flies, then tell me how this…

5-30-12 (3)

is now this!?!!

8-30-13 (7)


In honor of our little guy growing up, here are some favorite photos from summer 2013.

7-29-13 (1)

And no, we haven’t been hiding a second kiddo all this time…that’s Liam’s buddy in the tiger pajamas. 

8-3-13 (1)

8-11-13 (2)

8-11-13 (6)

8-11-13 (19)

8-11-13 (25)

8-14-13 (7)

8-26-13 (2)

8-26-13 (5)

8-27-13 (4)

8-27-13 (34)

8-28-13 (2)

9-2-13 (15)

8-31-13 (5)

8-31-13 (4)


  1. oh my! he looks like such a little boy in that second picture -- not a baby anymore!
