Monday, September 29, 2014

Basement Bathroom

When you have a hankering to tackle a project, my theory is to GO FOR IT!  Because before you know it your motivation might be sapped by a crying baby, dishes in the sink, or a cup of hot chocolate and a good book.  So carpe diem, people.  That is exactly the story of our basement bathroom, because with a bazillion other projects that I should have been working on, this is the one I felt like doing.  Maybe it was the towel bars.  I’m pretty sure there were about five of them, and that fifth one just did me in, I tell you.  I mean, towel bars are one of my least favorite bathroom accessories anyway – give me anything but a towel bar, please!  So yeah, that’s where it all started – with the towel bar that broke that camel’s back. 

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There was nothing too noticeable about this bathroom – other than its ubiquitous towel bars – and the purpley tile. 

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I decided to paint the stark white walls a blue-grey color, and this time I stuck with it.  : )  It’s hard to see in the photos below, but it plays nicely off the tile.  We popped up some frames that we already owned.  I wanted them both to sit centered on the wall, but the toilet is off-set, so we decided to off-set the frames, as well.  The bird art is one of my favorite pieces from the ARC (a local thrift store) – it’s actually embroidered with thick thread, and I love its cheery self.  The basket on the back of the toilet holds toilet paper, because I didn’t get around to putting up a new toilet paper what do you officially call it holder.

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Gray rugs and towels from World Market accent the room in an attempt to draw out more gray tones, rather than purple. 

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Sayonara towel bars!  Hello there lovely hooks.  Thank you, Hobby Lobby, for keeping your knobs and hooks on a continuous 50% off sale.  Or maybe you just mark them up knowing it makes me feel better to think I’m getting a good deal…

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Some purty knobs to replace the old brass ones.  Can’t replace the other sassy brass (faucet, shower door, etc.), but we’re okay with it.  I’m getting more into mixing my metals these days.  At least it sounds kind of cool to say that I’ve got an “eclectic” vibe going on, right?

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In a last minute decision, I painted the cabinets white, as the oak just wasn’t doing it for me.  The white also helps to brighten the room, since it receives no natural light.  And it’s always fun to leave a small bouquet of flowers in the vase for guests. 

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Oh, and just a quick tip for when you paint a bathroom… No one ever looks behind a toilet, so we opt to toss a trash bag over the back of the toilet and simply paint around it.  It sure beats removing an entire toilet. 

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Hooray for semi-quick projects that leave a room feeling fresh! 

1 comment:

  1. having been in this bathroom myself - i must say it is quite nice! :) loving your home updates on the blog. :)
