With that in mind, my friend Ellen and I headed to the ARC, a local thrift store. We dug up several great finds, including a large paper cutter board (we decided to go the communal route, so we’re sharing it since we live close). Then I spotted this solid wood writer’s desk marked at just $15 (it was 50% off)!
It has a few battle wounds, but nothing a sander, some wood putty, and a few layers of paint can’t cure.
It reminds me a lot of this desk from Centsational Girl, which would be perfect in a little girl’s room.
I ended up hauling off with it in hopes that it will be a good training piece for me. I plan to use Kate’s painting tips on this piece. I’ll let you know how it turns out—and when I strike it rich after selling my handiwork. Just kidding! At this point I’m simply excited to expand my skills while I try my hand at this painting/refinishing business.
P.S. If you’re interested in starting a home business, check out Miss Mustard Seed’s tried and true tips! Be sure to search her blog for additional posts about this topic.
Sweet!! What a great find and what a great, fun side job! I can't wait to see the finished product.