You’ve heard me mention it before. We have a Narniaesque lamp post that just begs for Mr. Tumnus to pop over for a chat. Where is a good faun when you need one these days? Alas, I doubt he’ll be popping by anytime soon, but just in case the situation ever arises, I thought it high time our little lamp post got a good sprucing up.

My original cry of “take it out take it out take it out” never came to pass, because when Matt and my dad checked out the wiring, they found that it connects to our detached garage wiring—meaning if we dug up the post and buried the wires, it would eliminate our garage electricity. So no go. While I strongly disliked the witch hat effect from day one, I got really fed up when it became a headless lamp post due to an overly ambitious game of bocce ball. Witches, headless horsemen lamp posts, mystical fauns…things were getting creepy!

Thankfully, Matt was able to order a new topper for our post through Lowe’s. (Why this took us months to do, I’m not sure…) Still, I felt like the matte black paint job could use an update, as several parts of the post were beginning to rust or flake. After doing a smidge of research online (can googling really be called research?), I did a light sanding of the post using 80 and then 120 grit paper, wiped it down with a degreasing agent (laundry detergent works well, and it’s already on hand), spray primed, and then spray painted using Rustoleum’s oil rubbed bronze. By the way, consider this a plug for Rustoleum! I am disappointed every time I use another brand of spray paint, but Rustoleum has yet to let me down. I highly recommend it! Home Depot carries the best selection of colors and seems to beat all other prices.
Here’s our post looking all country church in its white primer…

And while it was difficult to capture the true color, here she is in her chic coat of oil rubbed bronze—ready for a night on the town backyard.

I’m very pleased with the final result and feel like it really gave our backyard a boost. And I love that it only took a few cans of spray paint, so we didn’t shell out too much cash for a post that I have a less than stellar relationship with…but if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, right?
Thus ends the tale of our lamp post. For the record, I think this was the first DIY project I’ve tackled since Liam’s birth. It feels good, but it definitely took some planning, as I had to work on it during his naps. Let’s just say that I’m learning to complete tasks in smaller chunks. I’ve found that setting small daily goals for myself is a great way to accomplish things without overwhelming myself. I feel productive and enjoy the creative outlet, but it leaves ample time in my day to hang with Liam.
For those of you still reading who want more than lamp posts for eye candy, here ya go. *WARNING—PHOTO OVERLOAD! I had a hard time choosing…clearly this is my first child…*

We started using cloth diapers last week and it’s going well so far! Call me biased, but aren’t those colorful diaper covers cute? Hmmm…might be worth writing a post about cloth dipes someday. If you’re interested in learning more about cloth dipes, leave me a comment. Cheers!