I really wish you knew how ugly and dirty and old our original windows were, because then you would appreciate our NEW ones so much more! Perhaps this gives you an idea?
That’s right! Brand spankin’ new windows, folks, and everything sure does seem bigger and brighter around here now. We really had no idea how frustrating our windows would become when we bought our house. To give you some perspective, they were wooden, quadruple pain one-pane with an exterior storm window (as in, impossible to clean, so I just gave up, which means years of grime clouded our view), and basically painted shut. Let’s just say it’s been a tad frustrating, especially since we love to enjoy the sunny weather of CO. Obviously we knew we wanted new windows, but it just wasn’t in the budget, especially after we sank a fair amount of money into renovating right after purchasing the house. So we hitched up our britches, and little by little we squirreled away our pennies. After saving money we received over multiple Christmases, the occasional staging job, along with Matt’s overtime and spiff money—we were able to start! Since we wanted to pay in cash as we went, we decided to install our windows in three stages (there was no additional cost to do it this way), so we tackled the leaky windows in the nursery first (these ended up being installed the same day Liam was born—the squirt arrived a month early), then the broken windows in the kitchen (all which were at the back of the house), and FINALLY we were able to complete the front windows of the living room and master bedroom.
For the record, it’s crazy hard to get good window pictures, but here’s a glimpse.
We debated which company to use for quite awhile, and in the end we went with Window World, opting for their second level of window. The thing that really sold us on Window World is their guarantee to fix any window that breaks, fogs up, etc., and that we are able to transfer that guarantee to the next owners if we decide to sell down the road. While custom window companies sound swanky and all, we realized that just being able to open windows without breaking a sweat was going to feel amazing, so no need to break the bank on the most expensive windows possible. To us, even basic windows are a major upgrade!
I can honestly say it feels great to have saved up cash to pay for the windows. Although there were days when waiting felt like a punishment, it was worth it not to have debt hanging over our head. Alrighty then…off to enjoy gazing out at world!
Wahoo! Glad you got this checked off your list after saving for so long, what a wonderful feeling!