Monday, August 12, 2013

1st Artwork

Liam completed his first masterpiece this month—complete with finger-painted handprints.  Do we have a budding Picasso on our hands?  Doubtful, but we’re happy that he’s dabbling with some new and creative forms of expression.  The other night he even drew scribbled on the restaurant table paper with crayons (for about five seconds—just keepin’ it real).  While I’ll probably keep this piece of art—being his first, and all—I know that I will not save every craft and coloring project.  My goal is to take photos of the ones that are most memorable and post every single one on this blog eventually create some sort of digital collage or photo book of them.  And for those dying to see Liam’s creative genius, I give you My First Finger-Painting.  Tada! 

8-14-13 (12)

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