Monday, August 12, 2013

We Live With My Parents

Just kidding!!  We don’t really live with my parents, but we visited them multiple times this summer—totaling about a month’s stay in all—so it started to feel like we were those 30-year-olds living in the basement of their parents.  The real reason for our most recent visit to the Midwest was to be present for Matt’s dad’s surgery, which took place in Chicago.  Since my parent’s house is so close, we ended up staying there.  Thankfully, everything went better than expected, and Poppy is now recovering at home.  Trip highlights below…

Date night at the dunes!  Gotta love having Mimsie & Popsie around to babysit. 



Rough housing with Popsie…

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Walking on lush Midwest grass…feels like quite a luxury compared to our struggling lawn in CO!

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Twirling with Mom…

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Enjoying way too much fried goodness at the Porter County Fair!  Those elephant ears…so yum.

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Helping Popsie set up his fair tent…and climbing up lots of mowers, too.  Eeks!  Liam actually had his first real fall on this trip (although it happened quite accidentally at Gma & Gpa’s house, not the fair).  A bloody nose and fat lip were the only battle wounds, but we were all a little shaken up.  Matt summed it up well by saying, “He’s officially a boy now.” 

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The petting zoo tent at the fair.  We were able to see the cutest piglets (never thought I would string those two words together)—sleeping, nursing, playing with each other—just like little Wilburs.  Loved it!

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Unfortunately, I didn’t get any photos of pool day at the Bucher’s, Family Camp (where my brother Ross unleashed his superior yoyo skillz in an epic variety show comeback), or hanging out with my siblings (we got to see all of them again—unbelievable and so fun).  Grateful for these memories!

Of course, I can’t wrap up this post without at least mentioning that our car has several issues as we drove back to Colorado.  Without going into too much detail, we made it back without breaking down in the middle of Kansas (in spite of my incessant worrying), and Liam was quite the backseat trooper, along with my amazing hubby who drove nearly the entire 24 hours (which really should have been 17 hours).  Thanks also to Gma Steph who rescued us in Champaign, IL, by getting us to a car repair shop (took three tries before one would take us).  But we made it back in one piece and have no plans to leave home for awhile now.  : ) 

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Divided loyalties here in the Braham house…Matt is a Buckeye fan, and I say Boiler up!

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  1. Oh my. I about flipped out when I read your title! Looks like so much fun. Sad I missed the year you came to Family Camp! Love ya!

  2. i have absolutely loved seeing you guys so much this year -- a complete treat! :)
