Monday, August 19, 2013

Spicklin’ & Spacklin”

Some of you may recall that last year I painted the garage door blue.  Unfortunately, peeling paint from the 1940s is no longer en vogue now that 2013 has rolled around, so with a little help from our neighbor (yup—the same one who shovels our snow on bristly winter mornings) and some great napping on the part of Mr. Liam (yes, he plays a very important role in the projects that linger get done around this place), we were able to get ‘er done!

It’s always helpful to look back at what once was…

Jan 2010 (1)

in order to fully appreciate what now is. 

7-30-13 (4)

Before we could paint though, we had to prep, which is always the most arduous step in the process.  For us, that meant removing as much peeling paint as possible through first power washing and then chipping away at the remaining paint. 

6-28-13 (5)

Ooooh, the midpoint of the project—when your motivation wanes and the end seems…endless!  As I like to say, it always seems to get worse before it gets better in the wonderful world of DIY.

6-29-13 (2)

6-29-13 (1)

We also had to match paint samples to the stucco color of our house.  This was trickier than I thought it would be, because the stucco is textured, making it harder to pinpoint the right shade, and although I’m happy with the color we chose, it’s lighter than I expected it to be.  Too bad that YHL didn’t write this post until after we had already painted, or I might have gone a shade darker. 

6-28-13 (1)

Overall though, it’s so much better!

7-30-13 (1)

7-30-13 (4)

7-30-13 (9)


  1. adorable! wishing you guys lived closer to help me out on some of our diy projects to come with our house! your blog is an inspiration to me! :)

  2. Thanks, Leah! You guys will do great. Just remember that it's taken us years to get this far, so don't feel like you need to have everything done in one weekend. : )
